Our group is focused on preserving General Aviation access at Scottsdale Airport.
The city of Scottsdale has approved the demolition of the LAST available parking for General Aviation aircraft at Scottsdale Airport. These 100 General Aviation parking spots will be removed FOREVER to make room for YET ANOTER executive terminal for private jets at Scottsdale Airport.
The parking being demolished is called the Greenway Hangars and Shades.
Our Association has made it our mission to stop this demolition, and keep these invaluable parking spots available to General Aviation aircraft at Scottsdale Airport.
To effectuate this cause, we will be taking donations to retain the services of Kathy Yodice, an Aviation Attorney who specializes in FAA Grant Assurances and Fair Access disputes.
The group’s goal is to raise $10,000 to secure the services of Kathy Yodice.